Saturday, April 23, 2011

Clover's Birthday

Today is Clover's 14th birthday.

We celebrated at a house with a lot of stairs - all of which he climb by himself, many times.

It's been 16 and 8 months since Clover had his two cruciate repairs. It is an amazing thing to think that when I looked at my 12 year old Havanese, I really wondered if I was asking him to do the right thing. Then, at 13, if it was fair to ask it again.

Sure, he's a little stiff, and there are days he is sore. He is notably more sore in the knee I waited longer to do the surgery on; more arthritic, likely, just like everyone said it would be.

But then, at 14, of course he's a little creaky.

I have tried, very hard, to cherish my time with him, even with the pesky new puppy (who Clover adores, might I add). I know, after 14 years, our time together is limited. But I am so glad that I took the chance to repair both knees, to see him happy again, to watch him chase the puppy across the lawn.
I can't think of a better way to close up this blog about Clover's recovery.

Happy birthday, Clover.

For more on the continued adventures of Clover and The Puppy, visit Narwyn Havanese.

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