Wednesday, July 7, 2010

T Minus One

So Clover is all set up and packed for the vet tomorrow.
The big expen is set up in the living room with every imaginable thickness, fabric, and type of bed imaginable (granted, the taller ones will be removed while he's gone tomorrow as a cast and tall bed don't really mix). Might as well keep the dog comfortable since for the next six weeks he'll be in there a good 23 hours a day.
The Pack n Play is set up in my bedroom for night time. If I ever randomly decide that I want children, at least I will bring some mad pack'n'play skills to the table. I can set it up and tear it down in 32 seconds flat.

I packed up tomorrow's dinner and Friday's breakfast (since he will stay overnight at the vet), the benadryl which I hope he can take post-op so he can continue breathing, radiographs, and slightly more detail list than they probably need. I'm not a list person, but the dog deserves a list.

I watched him hop around tonight and wondered, again, if I am doing the right thing. This knee seems so much better - he gets around on it so much better a lot of the time. But then he has a slow, deep limp, too. Since the last knee was pretty much obliterated, the fact this one hurts less doesn't really meal a whole lot.

Part of the list was telling the vet that if he doubted the surgery to call me and talk. I somehow don't think that will be the case. Wish us luck.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck, Clover. I see by the time that he's already at the vet's - hope everything goes well. You're taking all the right steps for him, and he's lucky to have you.
