This weekend's "oh crap" surprise is that Clover has decided to start jumping on the sofa again. After a few attempts at jumping up after he hurt his knee again - and he couldn't make it up - he started just looking at me and waiting again. But yesterday, he suddenly looked at me, at the sofa, and hopped up - and MADE IT instead of falling backward on his ass and looking embarrassed. Well, that was that, and now he is literally sneaking around trying to jump on the sofa. Last time, he could barely make it up at the six week mark when the surgeon tentatively OKed him to hop. Now - three weeks?
Again - it's great he has the strength to do this - but the possibility of stretching out the suture and ruining the surgery is still there. I mean, his knee is still really, really stable (once you know how, it's pretty easy to do a tibial thrust test), and he's still walking on it almost normally. My instincts are telling me that if he's off painkillers and is walking on it so normally, that the odds of him ruining it are much lower than last time, when he was still considerably limping and it was still not healed up and entirely stable. But, who wants to take that risk? We'll make it to the six week check up (sometime between August 15 - 20th) and go from there.
Consequently, Clover is now in the pen more than he was a week ago. And HATES IT. I'm also moving, so I am packing and there are boxes everywhere. So I spent all day putting stuff in boxes (hating it) with the dog whining in the background. Oh my goodness, there are no words for how annoying my day was.
It did result in this genuinely adorable photo of Clover, though. I lost track of him and panicked, but he had made his home in a box that had been flat but fell over between my dining room table and sofa. He does like sleeping under things; he will bury under the throw pillows on my sofa, and enjoys sleeping under beds. This only made sense, I suppose.
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