Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 4

Clover has a long way to go, for sure. But his incision is all ready healing up, yesterday's toe touching is today's slight weight bearing, and last time's happy medicinal buzz is today's "NO YOU CAN NOT RUN I DONT CARE HOW WELL YOU CAN MOVE ON 3.25 LEGS."

I don't know who has lost more of their mind, my dog who is crazy bored, or me who is going crazy trying to stop him from being bored.

I am happy my dog is recovering so nicely from surgery. I am happy my dog is recovering so nicely from surgery. I am happy my dog is recovering so nicely from surgery. I am happy my dog is recovering so nicely from surgery. I am happy my dog is recovering so nicely from surgery. I am happy my dog is recovering so nicely from surgery. I am happy my dog is recovering so nicely from surgery. I am happy my dog is recovering so nicely from surgery. I am happy my dog is recovering so nicely from surgery. I am happy my dog is recovering so nicely from surgery. I am happy my dog is recovering so nicely from surgery.I am happy my dog is recovering so nicely from surgery.I am happy my dog is recovering so nicely from surgery.

Though that's better than the alternative. It's going to be a LONG 12 weeks.

No, you know what? Let's break this up into small increments. Seven more days and the battle of Kat vs. Clover vs. his stitches is over. Looking forward to that. Meanwhile, any good ideas of how to cover a stifle? He won't pull off anything (vet wrap, socks) but they all slide down because his leg tapers. Sigh.

I am happy my dog is recovering so nicely from surgery.

1 comment:

  1. you sound like my brother who had to write a paper for the army about why it is important to shave.

    did you see at the shows the antlers for chewing?? took Blue Bob a way long time.
